Unwind at Westclox Day Retreat

Let’s improve our habits and develop a positive outlook on life! This day retreat encourages self-reflection, making time for ourselves and finding the good in our lives, goal setting, and effective planning. The purpose of this experience is to feel inspired and motivated to make positive changes in our lives.

We will provide you with your own journal for some self reflection, you’ll go home with your own specific oil for self massage that you’ll learn. We will also learn how to make Mala beads out of Amazonite, this stone calms the nervous system, helps heal emotional issues and balances the masculine and feminine. We will talk about the value of self-care, introduce many self-care ideas, and provide motivation to add this practice into our routines. We will also provide steps toward building a habit of gratitude and how you can use this skill during tough times.

Join us for a day of WELLNESS on all levels!

Please RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/day-retreat-think-well-feel-well-live-well-tickets-884500162797?aff=oddtdtcreator